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Cromer Christmas Social
5:00 pm17:00

Cromer Christmas Social

  • Old Cromer School Christmas Social Night (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The annual Old Cromer School Christmas social night. This is a chance to meet locals you didn't know and catch up with old ones.

Once again we have had an amazing whipper snipper gnome, or perhaps an elf, who has prepared the grounds ready for our catch up! A big thank you to you!

We have some plastic chairs available so don't worry if you can't bring yours. We will have the bbq if you want to cook your dinner or bring your nibbles.

These evenings have been enjoyed by those to come so we encourage you to put the date in your diary and come a long and join in.

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Willunga Jigsaw Mania
2:00 pm14:00

Willunga Jigsaw Mania

Building on the success of 2022 & 2023, Willunga Jigsaw Mania is back in 2024 bigger and better than ever!
This year we are Jigsaw Maniacing over 2 days!!!!

Saturday afternoon - Teams of 4 compete on 500** or 1000** piece Ravensburger Jigsaw puzzles. Note the date and guess the theme of the Afternoon!
Sunday will see the solo** and pairs** speed competitions.

**See the specific WJM event for more details!

As always, there will be a jigsaw puzzle exchange, raffles, giant jigsaws on display and trading tables - there may even be a few 'extras' thrown in for good measure.

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May the Fourth - Star Wars Themed Puzzling Competition!
2:00 pm14:00

May the Fourth - Star Wars Themed Puzzling Competition!

As the start of Willunga Jigsaw Mania 2024 falls on May the 4th, what else could we do but host a Star Wars themed puzzling event???
Think Cosplay, a brass band and awesome people in awesome costumes (yes that includes you) all banding together!
Gather your team of 4, bring your cheese platters and light sabers and use the force to complete your 500 piece Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle in under 2 hours.

This is a fun, inclusive event, unless you're a Storm Trooper, in which case, we'd rather you stayed at home!

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