Cromer, is a ‘suburb’ of Mount Pleasant (or as the residents prefer it - Mount Pleasant is a suburb of Cromer), and consists of a small collection of houses and properties spread out around the Old Cromer School.
Although that’s all there is, the people who call it ‘home’ are fiercely protective of their corner of the world, and willingly band together when cornered.
Friends of the old Cromer School and Community Hall
In 2019, a group of Cromer residents decided to repurpose / reinvent and use the Old Cromer School.
It had undergone some restoration work in 1992, but was in a sad state, and would deteriorate more if something wasn’t done quickly, so the ‘Friends’ group was formed. At the beginning of 2020, The Barossa Council (which owns the asset) came on board.
The School now comes under the Mt Pleasant Progress Association Inc. banner, and the hall may be hired for events. Please contact them via the Facebook page.
Car Boot Sale 2021
Equine Hoof Care Workshop Aug 21
Car Boot Sale 2021
May 21 Working Bee
Car Boot Sale 2021
December 20 Christmas
Car Boot Sale 2019
Car Boot Sale 2019
After tidying up and carrying out some minor repairs, the Friends of the Old Cromer Schoolhouse held a Car Boot Sale to raise some much needed funds for further work.
Christmas 2019
In December 2019, and just before the fires, the group held a social get-together, which was a great night out.